Jan Philipp Thomeczek,
Andrei Zhirnov,
Michele Scotto di Vettimo,
Roan Buma,
Vladimir Cristea,
Maximilian Dolle,
Norbert Kersting,
Andre Krouwel,
Sven Lange,
Alberto Lopez Ortega,
Jack Thompson,
Lorenza Antonucci,
Roberta Di Stefano,
Francesco Ruggeri
One model to rule them all? Choosing two-dimensional spaces for European political landscapes with VAA data.
Journal of Information Technology & Politics, Forthcoming.
Andrei Zhirnov,
Jan Philipp Thomeczek,
Michele Scotto di Vettimo,
Alberto Lopez Ortega,
Andre Krouwel,
Lorenza Antonucci,
Roberta Di Stefano,
Norbert Kersting
Do populist parties better represent their voters than mainstream parties? Evidence from the 2019 European Parliament Elections in Italy, the Netherlands, Germany and Sweden.
Electoral Studies, 94, 102906.